Sunday, November 13, 2011

Acting: Stage vs. Film

            Many new and aspiring actors do not understand the difference between acting on stage versus acting for the camera.  Yes there is a difference and I have learned this from experience.  They require some of the same effort and technique but they are fundamentally different.  So as an actor you have to decide which type of actor you are or will you try to master them both?

            Stage actors are very big.  They build characters and bring them to life on stage.  Doing this requires you to be open and often over the top.   It requires big use of the body because the message the character is trying to deliver must reach the whole audience.  On stage you have on time to get it right, so you must always be in the moment.  It requires the actor to build the character in the presence of the audience to take them on the journey.

            Film actors are less dramatic.  Film acting is being natural.  Because the camera picks up every nuance, the actor must always tell the truth.  Stage requires lots of facial emotion and big movements. On camera, less is more.   There has to be a certain stillness for the camera.   Film is not always shot in sequence so it requires more of the actor to stay in character. Also with constant repetition an actor must work to be believable and have the same delivery every time.  

            Many actors are unable to make the transition from stage to camera.  It definitely takes lots of work and training.  You must also have a great understanding of both.   Stage actors have to learn that less is more, but without making themselves look dry and unbelievable on camera.   There are also many film actors who find it hard to transition to the stage.  Because they are used to the stillness needed for camera it is hard for them to embrace a full body character and all the emotions required for the stage. 

            As you continue your acting journey, define what time of actor your are or create a plan to conquer both.