Saturday, October 29, 2011

How To Become An Actor

         Becoming an actress, does not happen over night, not unless you are in the .01 percentile with very good luck.   Acting takes time, patience and money.   How are much are you willing to invest?  You are only as good and the product you market.   Becoming an actor means taking acting classes which could range from $75-$125 a month.  Some of us get a degree in theatre and we all know that degrees do not come cheap.   You must also invest in quality headshots.   These sitting range from $100-$300 depending on the photographer.   You then have to consider the cost of reproduction of you headshots.    Remember quality is important because these are your calling cards, the things that will get you into the audition.
            Often I meet people who want to be actors but they don’t understand the cost or are not willing to invest in themselves to put their best foot forward.   People must remember that acting is a job.   A great example is , why would I apply to an IT position, but I have never studied computers technology.  I know I like computers, and I think I can do it, so I think I will apply,  this formula does not equal success.  Below are a couple of tips that will help you on your journey to become an actor.

1.     Ask yourself why is it that you want to act?  Is it just something fun to do, or is it your passion?
2.     Take a few classes.  This will help you get a better understanding of acting and whether or not it is something you want to pursue
3.     Continue taking classes.   Learn the craft.  Understand the difference between theatre, and acting on camera for film vs. commercial.
4.     Invest in quality headshots.  (You pay for what you get) Remember this is what they see before they meet you, so your pictures must sell you.
5.     Invest in quality reproduction of headshots.
6.     Start building your resume
a.     Audition for community theatre
b.     Audition for student films
7.     Once you are studied and have starting building a resume, begin submitting to agents.   Do an internet search to see which agents are excepting new clients.  You can also send a potential agent comp tickets  to one of your upcoming shows so that they can see you in action.

With Patience & Persistance, May you find success!!!
Misha Moore

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